Recently, the SmartGaon’s centre was inaugurated at Sansad Adarsh Gram Machandur. This office will act as a resource center for the village and will play an important role in the development of the village. This centre was built under the leadership of Operation Incharge of Smartgaon, Gunjan Sahu ji.
- The development works for the village will be conducted through the SmartGaon centre with local villagers support .
- Programs will be launched for skill development and career guidance of the youth of the village.
- Cleanliness campaign will be launched to keep the village clean and beautiful. As a Green India Campaign, a Cleanliness campaign will be launched to keep the village clean and beautiful.
- In order to increase employment opportunities in the village and to make it self-reliant, small scale industry programs will be started with the help of government schemes and people living abroad.
- Based on the New Education Policy 2020 (NEP-2020), children will be taught “21st Century Skills”.
SmartGaon resource center was inaugurated by retired Joint Commissioner Development and Chief Advisor of Smart Village Shri BK Verma, Retired Additional Collector and Chief Coordinator of Smart Village Shri BL Gajpal, Sarpanch Shri Dilip Sahu, Deputy Sarpanch Shri Gajendra Kumar Sahu.
During the inauguration of the office, a Rangoli competition was organized in three categories and prizes were distributed to the winners. In this group of 7 to 10 years , the theme was flowers. First Himani Thakur, second Ayush Chandrakar, third Reshmi Gajpal were in the 11 to 14 age group. In this, Tarani Gajpal got the first, Kalpana got the second and Vidhi Chandrakar got the third place.
In the Rangoli competition for the age group of 15 to 18 years, first Nidhi and Yanshu Venu and Teshu, third place and Janaki got the third place, they were honored by the guests with prizes and citations.
The program was conducted by Kumari Sonal Chandrakar, mainly Sarpanch Dilip Kumar Sahu, Deputy Sarpanch Gajendra Kumar Sahu, Rohti Chandrakar, Vishnu Sahu, Panch Praveen Kumar Yadu, Virendra Sahu, Tukaram Sahu, Lalit Patel, Takeshwar Patel, Smart Village Manager. Nitesh Sahu, Jai Kumar Sahu, Dhanraj Gajpal, Mohan Sahu, Sheet Kumar, Renu Sahu, Renuka Sahu, Mona Patel, Pooja Patel, Vaishnavi Devangan, Bharti Patel, Deepa Sahu, Chanchal Sahu, Mahendra Patel, Vinod Sahu remain prominently. The program was concluded by high teacher Mr. Yuvraj Singh Sahu.
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